Saturday, January 2, 2010

Last Week on TheREALjohnny2k - 12/21 through 12/31/09, Part II

By John Kubicek

It was the 201st decade since the birth of Our Savior Jesus Christ. It was a decade of wars. and very little peace. While there was the actual wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, and every where else in the world that terrorists were able to strike, there has also been the virtual war for the hearts and minds of the masses. The battlefront has become,,, and on the blogs. Between those two fronts, I opted for the cyber side of the war. It doesn't require blood, guts, and glory, but it does involve a lot of blood, sweat and tears.

My ultimate weapon of choice has been my work on, along with this blog. That's right, uploading videos to is a fantastic way to keep many people informed of all the things that are involved in the way this world is now headed. I don't even feel the need to expound in the video descriptions. I'll just let the videos speak for themselves.

I hope that the videos I tell you about today, that you'll see below, will show that not everything I think about has to do with politics.

December 21, 2009 - Has Anyone Told You? You are loved!

Jack and Rexella Van Impe provided me with the perfect video for this wonderful season to upload to this channel.

This will hopefully help remind you of the Reason for the Season.

December 23, 2009 - The spiritual surge in sports

It seems to me that in this segment, the spiritual surge in sports is being attacked. Or,is it just me?

December 24, 2009 - Best Church Choir In America - The Atlanta West Pentacostal Church Choir

This is absolutely sensational! They really are deserving of the honor of Best Church Choir In America as you will see - AND HEAR - in this video.

Thank you all for visiting my channel, TheREALjohnny2k. Please have a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. I love you all!

December 27, 2009 - "Onward Christian Athletes" - The problem with turning athletes into "heroes"

Who should be our heroes? This video brings up some interesting questions about athletes being heroes, and if some are expressing their Christian faith only when they win.

December 31, 2009 - About a Christmas Miracle - This will make you smile!

This video is about a great miracle. This happened just before the Northwestern Flight 253 miracle, where a bomb ddn't work, 278 people were sill alive, on Christmas day. Here are two more people that made it. God just wasn't quite ready for them to go home.


Maybe it's because of the season. I chose this one to be my favorite of the week.

December 04, 2007 - Christmas Story - Steven Curtis Chapman - BluefishTV.

Video provided by bluefishtv

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