Sunday, January 23, 2011

Win the 'war' (oops) – ignore the rhetoric ~ By Victoria Jackson

Altadena, Calif., Aug. 12, 2009, Schiff Health Care Townhall
I will not be worn down. Although some TV liberals call me "weird," and "coo-coo for CoCo Puffs," and some liberal bloggers call me "a fat has-been," and Keith Olberman once labeled me the "second-worst person in the world," I will continue to speak the truth in this "fight" (oops), "battle" (oops) … um … disagreement thing. Conservatives call me names, too – names like "smart, educated, informed and honest." So, I like conservatives better!

Victoria Jackson makes a statement that is so true (I pray): "Look out. The Christians are waking up."

Now, let me ask you, have you ever heard anyone say something like, "As Christians, we should never mix politics and religion?" Of course you have! Or, at least I think you have, because I know I've heard it millions of times (I tend to make absurd exaggerations in order to make a point), and I actually did believe it until Ronald Reagan was campaigning for President in 1980. That was when I first realized that when Christians stayed silent, when Christians "left politics to the left," we ended up with Jimmy Carter.

So, today, I am praying that many Christians will see this post.

By the way, there is a note at the bottom of Vicki's column. As much as I love Glenn Beck, Vicki has brought something to light that you should be aware of:
Note: Referring to last week's piece on Glenn Beck's Mormonism, be sure to read this column.

Win the 'war' (oops) – ignore the rhetoric

By Victoria Jackson

January 21, 2011 ~ 1:00 am Eastern

© 2011

Video provided by PasadenaTeaParty ~ November 02, 2009

Something bad is happening. Small groups of moms are gathering by candlelight across the country. We will do anything to protect our children. Tonight I am at a WIN meeting. is my newest attempt to "arm" myself for "battle." Oops! Not allowed to make "war" (oops) references in referring to "conquering" (oops) evil. My words may lead metaphor-ignorant folks to "attack" (oops) physically instead of ideologically their "enemies." (Oops!) Let's just say we moms are going to save our country for our children. With God's help.

We open in prayer. Spunky the pit bull is lying on Mary Margaret's lap snoring.

The book we are reading, "Take Back America" by Mathew Staver, is sitting on the coffee table beneath a small American flag that we are pledging allegiance to. My eyes are full of tears. How did my country come to this? I feel like we are hiding. Have we done something wrong? I feel like we are Anne Frank or the underground church in China.

First, we must acknowledge that we Christian moms "dropped the ball." Sports metaphors are still allowed, right? My new best friend from my cruise last week, Gary DeMar ( and lists several reasons why Christians over the last 30 years have left politics to the left.

Look out. The Christians are waking up. Since most of our WIN group is made up of beginner political activists and I've had two years' experience, I share with them some of my new knowledge.

Be sure to check out
johnny2k's Tea Party Gear!

Thursday, January 13, 2011

By the Sea ~ By Victoria Jackson

Marriage and the family unit is the pillar of society. God invented it to be a beautiful, strong thing. Sometimes, I want to run away from mine. They know how to hurt me better than anyone else. But, I will obey God (Proverbs 14:1). He knows best.

Liberals are "redefining" the family. Conservatives are "recommitting" to the family. I'd rather be a conservative.
Victoria Jackson discusses God, family, and Glenn Beck's Mormon religion not being Christian.

By the Sea
By Victoria Jackson

January 14, 2011 ~ 1:00 am Eastern

© 2011

I'm sitting on the deck of my first cruise ship, looking out at the big, blue sea, listening to its lush loudness, sucking on a Coffee Nip and reading "Just Kids" by Patti Smith. It seems like she is saying that her god is art. On page 11, she has almost a religious experience during her first visit to the Museum of Art in Philadelphia, saying, "I knew I was transformed, moved by the revelation that human beings create art, that to be an artist was to see what others could not." On page 13, she describes her boyfriend, Robert Mapplethorpe, "having broken from his father, leaving his Catholic, commercial and military options behind in the wake of LSD and a commitment to live for art alone." On page 48, she says, "His service was to art, not to church or country."

It sounds strangely like the New Age–human secularist philosophy, "man is god."

Augusten Burroughs, one of my favorite writers, describes his mother as worshiping art. I love art. I melt in a museum. I try to paint, write poetry, write music. I can understand the passion, but we must worship the Creator, not the creation. Just as the Earth devotees like Gore and animal fanatics like PETA must worship the Creator, not the creation. Sex is god to some. God created sex. God is so awesome to give us these marvelous gifts; food, wine, the beauty of nature, the animals, music, creativity, art, talent, friendship, sex, marriage, children and love. We tend to worship the gifts instead of the Giver.

I'm alone on this cruise. The opportunity came up, and Husband had to work. Teenager had exams and cheer. I must admit I am quite enjoying my solitude. Keeping a family together and on the right path is hard work. On my cabin TV, I'm hearing bits and pieces of the news back home. There has been a shooting in Arizona. Families are devastated. Sarah Palin is being blamed! Conservative rhetoric is being blamed! I have two responses: 1) "If they bring a knife to the fight, we bring a gun" – Barack Obama. He was referring to conservatives, the ones he wants "on the back of the bus," "the enemy," as he also referred to us. Blame him. Blame his rhetoric. 2) The murderer's favorite book was "The Communist Manifesto"! Sarah Palin explains it best – the rampage was the act of a "single, evil man."

On my first cruise, I'm meeting strangers who will be friends for life. One is Jerry Johnson. I am telling him how grateful I am for Glenn Beck and how he educated me on the progressives' secret agenda of destroying America, how he "outed" the Obama appointee, Communist Van Jones, and all the other scary czars like antigun animal-worshiper Sunstein and Holdren who wants to poison our water to limit population growth, how Beck exposed George Soros as the "Dr. Evil" that he is, trying to crash our economy and take over the world. Jerry brings up Glenn Beck's Mormonism and I start to realize that the god Glenn Beck has been praying to for the healing of our land is not the God I've been praying to. I've had a fuzzy understanding of Mormonism, but, in a quest for truth, I listen to the facts Jerry is sharing with me and decide Beck has the freedom to worship any god he chooses, but he and Mitt Romney cannot accurately call themselves "Christians." I now realize why the 8/28 event had a strange element with the ecumenical lineup Beck brought onstage with him. Praying to "any" god is not what 2 Chronicles 7:14 meant.

I think Glenn Beck should stick to politics.