Saturday, January 3, 2009

Can we trust Biblical prophecy?

From - The Bible has the answers.
Question: "How can we trust that Biblical prophecy can indeed predict the future?"

Answer: The main reason we can trust biblical prophecy is that it, like the rest of Scripture, was written — literally “God-breathed” — by the Creator of the universe. It is inerrant, perfect, and true. We must understand that before we can understand the role of biblical prophecy.

Biblical prophecy plays two roles. It foretells the future, and it explains what the positive or negative results of future events will be. Prophecy may announce events that bring joy and pleasure or fear and foreboding. When prophecy is ignored, it is usually because the hearers don’t like what they hear for one reason or another. Biblical prophecy is not usually general in nature. It normally is very specific as to how it will affect someone or something. But it is always dependable and worthy of our complete trust. We can allow prophecy to help shape our lives, giving us direction and guidance in serving our Lord. It should be a source of strength and instruction for us. Unlike what we hear called “prophecy” today, both in the church and outside the church, true biblical prophecy is always accurate and precise. What God prophesies always occurs. [Continue reading]
digg story, submitted by hookedonjesus

1 comment:

Hale Meserow said...

Couldn't agree more. Cults are founded because someone decided he/she knew more than God and had a better view of the universe than God-breathed Scripture.

For a good yarn on this very subject, check out my end-times novel at