Monday, November 17, 2008

But, it has been almost five years!

By John Kubicek

Sometimes, the loss of a loved one takes awhile to get over. What? Sometimes? No, I mean most of the time, at least for normal people. We just don't always get over a loss all that easily.

The following video was recorded about two years ago. It was more than two years after my wife passed away. While I had always tried to react in a positive way, there was always this tugging on my heart strings. I didn't hear any harps playing from Heaven, so I came up with this song... "Miss You So Much"....

In this video, you'll see the real ME. I know the feeling of losing a loved one. It's been a couple years since I thought about this, but here it is again. And, there is the one way to get through the sorrow. My faith. It wasn't always easy, but I can tell you that the Lord helped me get through these times. I depend on that every day. I depend on the Lord to get me through what ever comes my way.

Doing what I did in the following video was part of my healing process. And yes, I still have more healing to do.

Please see my forum post, Miss You So Much for the lyrics I wrote....

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